
Saturday, February 9, 2013

Police Enforcement of KSA Traffic Law:-

We have been informed that the Traffic Department of the Kingdom of  Saudi Arabia is conducting a well-organized campaign against person who violates the Kingdom's Regulating Rules of the Traffic Law in a continuing and serious effort to prevent traffic accidents, injuries and deaths on the Kingdom's road and highways. Police are stopping and checking motorist for possession of a valid. Saudi Arabian Driver's License and comprehending, penalizing, punishing and confirming persons (operations and in some cases  passengers) who violates the Traffic Law. Motorists are being warned that they must respect and obey All Traffic Rules or suffer the penalties for the offense. Following is a list of common violations and penalties being imposed and enforced. 


Running RED Light   900 SR 1,800 SR

Wrong Way on One-Way  900 SR + 3 days in Jail 1,800 SR + 6 days in Jail

Speeding  900 SR + 3 days in Jail 1,500 SR + 6 days in Jail

Parking in NO Parking Area  500 SR + 3 days in Jail Same as 1st Offense

Parking on Side-Walk  500 SR + 3 days in Jail Same as 1st Offense

Failure to carry Driver's License 300 SR Same as 1st Offense

Driving with Expired Driver's License 300 SR Same as 1st Offense

Driving without Valid Driver's License 900 SR Same as 1st Offense

Expired Vehicle Registration 500 SR + 3 days in Jail Same as 1st Offense

Passing in NO PASSING ZONE  900 SR + 3 days in Jail Same as 1st Offense

Leaving the Scene of an Accident  900 SR + 3 days in Jail Same as 1st Offense

Failure to Stop for Police  300 SR + 3 days in Jail Same as 1st Offense

Reckless Driving 1,500 + 20 days in Jail with 20 Lashes 3,000 + 20 days in Jail with 20 Lashes and Vehicle Confiscation

Accompanying a Reckless Driver  1,500 + 20 days in Jail with 20 Lashes 3,000 + 20 days in Jail with 20 Lashes

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